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Expert Services

Top-Rated Landscaping, Lawn Care, and Outdoor Construction Services in Winnipeg, Mb

Discover Winnipeg’s premier provider of landscaping, lawn maintenance, deck and fence building, hardscape patios, and snow removal services. With over a decade of experience, The Sodfather transforms outdoor spaces into stunning, functional extensions of your home. Our expert team is dedicated to delivering quality craftsmanship and unparalleled customer service. Enhance your property’s beauty and value with our comprehensive outdoor solutions.

hardscaping service


Transform your outdoor area into a stunning, functional retreat with The Sodfather Hardscaping Services. From patios to pathways, our bespoke designs and quality craftsmanship turn visions into reality, enhancing lifestyle and property value.

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fence builder service

Fence Builder

Secure and beautify your property with The Sodfather Fence Builder. Our expert team crafts durable, stylish fences tailored to enhance privacy, security, and curb appeal. Elevate your outdoor space with our custom solutions

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Snow and Ice Removal service

Snow Clearing and Ice Removal

Winter worries vanish with The Sodfather Snow and Ice Removal. Stay safe and accessible through the toughest snowfalls and iciest conditions with our efficient, eco-friendly clearing and de-icing services.

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Custom Garden Design

Create your dream garden with The Sodfather Custom Garden Design. Our experts blend artistry and horticulture to craft unique, vibrant outdoor spaces that reflect your personal style and thrive in your environment.

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Patio building service

Deck Builder

Elevate your outdoor living with The Sodfather Deck Builder. Our skilled team designs and constructs high-quality, custom decks that blend seamlessly with your landscape, providing the perfect setting for relaxation and entertainment.

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Lawn Care Services

Lawn Care Services

Achieve a lush, healthy lawn with The Sodfather Lawn Care Services. Our comprehensive approach includes tailored treatments, sustainable practices, and expert maintenance to ensure your grass is green, vibrant, and thriving all year round.

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